IN-ECO - Air and Vacuum Components - CertificatesAir and Vacuum



CE indicates the product complies with relevant fundamental requirements of European technical requirements (directives), which apply to the product and that the conformity is documented via a relevant conformity assessment procedure. Fundamental requirements are requirements regarding the safety of products, protection of public health, consumer protection, environmental protection and in specific cases also interoperability.



RoHS = is an abbreviation for the name of European Union directive 2002/95/ES issued by the European Parliament and Commission dated January 27, 2003 on the Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous Substances in electrical and electronic equipment. The aim is to limit the use of six stated materials during the production of electrical and electronic equipment, which are appearing at waste sites in larger quantities, benefiting the protection of human health and the environment. The equipment manufacturers are responsible for making sure their products do not contain any of the stated restricted materials in quantities larger than the directive permits. Although the directive is only valid for the EU, manufacturers of all electronic equipment outside of the EU have the same obligation, providing their products are imported to EU countries. Several other countries outside of the EU also took similar measures - for example Switzerland, USA, China and South Korea.

HSE Policy

HSE Policy is one of the philosophy leading our company. 
Apart from development of our company our goal is to build safety and healthy working conditions for our employees. Hereby we are focused on co-operation with those business partners, whose activities and products constribute to the environmental protection.

Our intention is to realize our philosophy by the following activities:

  • Consistently respect all duties according to the legal and other requirements related to the environmental protection
  • Co-operation with those producers who use materials according to the Directive 2002/95/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 January 2003 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substance in electrical and electronic equipment. 
  • By development, production and handling of the products it is a need to use those materials and technology, which facilitate manipulation of the secondary materials as well as save energy.
  • Permanent improvement of the realized activities and working conditions for our employees with goal to minimize their negative influence on the environment, safety and hygiene at work
  • Consistent precaution for the purpose of prevention of the accidents and situations, those consequences could have negative impact on the environment and health of the employees.
  • Manipulation with our equipments and technology in compliance with the environmental protection, unsufficient equipments and technology have to be replaced by more effective and suitable products.
  • Respect the precautionary principle in the field of accidents and injuries of our product's users.
  • By increasing distribution of our products we improve the environmental protection, especially by the treatment of the waste water.
  • Use and innovate educational system for our employees to increase their environmental awareness, special knowledge and responsibility in the area of environmental protection.
  • Promote principles of the environmental protection and environmental management in our business relations - with our business partners and prefer those partners who have the same principles in their management.

Thereby we are guiding by the principles of the above mentioned HSE Policy, we try to save credit and co-operation with our business partners and customers, as well as with our own employees.


Quality management

Our biggest priority is achieving maximum customer satisfaction while respecting all legal and ethical standards. We are responsible towards are customers, towards ourselves and also towards the environment. Our company thrives for continuous development by persistently increasing the qualifications of its employees and their motivation toward higher quality and performance.