IN-ECO - Air and Vacuum Components - Blowers, Alita linear air pumps, Side channel blowers INW, RootsAir and Vacuum

BlowersAlita linear air pumps, Side channel blowers INW, Roots

0,2 - 25 kW   
pressure: do 1040 mbar 

vacuum: up to -730 mbar    (270 mbar ABS)
capacity: 47 - 2050 m³/h

13 - 440 kW  
pressure: up to 260 mbar 

capacity: 6 - 540 l/min

0,75 - 55 kW
pressure: up to 600 mbar

capacity: 52 - 2472 m³/h

10 - 800 HP

pressure: up to 2000 mbar

capacity: 3 - 520 m³/min


0,55 - 315 kW
up to 1000 mbar
13 - 9180 m³/hour0,7 - 30 kW

0,55 - 30 kW

pressure: up to 600 mbar

capacity: 26,1 - 1176 m³/h

Applications of blowers


Material supply



Side channel blowers

Roots blowers




Spa and wellness equipments



Side channel blowers

Membrane blowers Alita




Air supply



Side channel blowers

Roots blowers




Aeration of ponds and lakes



Side channel blowers

Membrane blowers Alita

Roots blowers







Side channel blowers





Aeration in the water treatment plants



Side channel blowers

Membrane blowers Alita

Roots blowers




Čerenie materiálu v silách



Side channel blowers

Roots blowers




Air knife systems



Side channel blowers




Sand blasting



Side channel blowers

Roots blowers




Composting, fermentation




Side channel blowers

Roots blowers




Back washing



Side channel blowers

Roots blowers



ALITA linear air pumps

    •    Compressor; performance: 7 W - 261 W
    •    The frequent applications: water treatment plants, analysers, aeration of the fishponds and others.

Side channel blowers INW

    •    Single stage, high capacity, double stage, high pressure
    •    Performance: 0,2 kW - 25 kW
    •    The frequent applications: aeration in the water treatment plants, vacuum cleaning systems, pneumatic transportation, spa and wellness equipments - underwater massage, bubble bath, bubble pillar etc.

Roots blowers

    •    Performance: 0,55 kW - 315 kW
    •    The frequent applications: biological treatment in the water treatment plants, energetics, biogas plants, pneumatic transportation of the loose ground and many others.

Inquiry form

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